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Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 2.492        

 Narrated by Haritha bin Wahab

I heard the Prophet (saws) saying, "O people! Give in charity as a time will come upon you when a person will wander about with his object of charity and will not find anybody to accept it, and one (who will be requested to take it) will say, "If you had brought it yesterday, I would have taken it, but today I am not in need of it."

To sustain the current activities , new initiatives as well as the projected growth in the student numbers , the Madrassah is in need of your support . As more than 90% of the students are not able to afford the monthly fees , we require Zakaat , Lillah , Sadaqah , Eesale Thawab etc. donations. In addition to tuition , the Madrassah provides full board and lodge , meals , medical and other facilities to the students.

A humble request is made for your donations to assist in funding the activities of the Madrassah and to earn Thawaab - e - Jaariyah from this noble cause.

Contribution Options

1. Monthly Pledge Collection

Please send us a fax (0314035069) , Email ( or call us (0314032000) and inform us of the pledge amount and whether Lillah , Zakaat etc . and we can make the necessary arrangements for the monthly collection of your pledge.

2. Direct Deposit

Deposit into our account

HBZ Bank Limited Durban

Acc No. :01-02-747-3659 under deposit reference please put the following



11071103-Building Fund

or EFT

Bank                 HBZ Bank Limited

Branch code - 570126

Acc No:           11901134367 - Lillah

                         11901144852 - Zakaat

                         11901169581 - Building Fund

3. Postal Contributions

All cheques are to be crossed "Not transferable " and made out to DARUL ULOOM NU'MANIYYAH . Please mail to :

 P.O.Box 3 



South Africa 


Please ensure that your Name and conctact details are written on the back of the cheque together with what the contribution is for i.e Lillah , Zakaat etc. so that we may deposit in to the correct account.

Hadith Qudsi 11

The Messenger of Allah (saws) said that Allah The Glorious and Exalted Says: ‘Spend (on charity), O son of Adam, and I shall spend on you.’

May Allah Ta'aala shower  his choicest blessings on all responsible for supporting such efforts of Deen (Ameen)

Please feel free to visit us and take a tour of the Madrassah or contact Ml Abdur Rahim Khan (Principal) if you have any queries regarding the Madrassah activities or contributions made.

Allah(swt) says in the Quraan:

“..Establish Salaah to remember Me (Allah)”     20:14

Allah says in the Quraan: